Digital Marketing is a broad field which can be bifurcated into various branches like SMO, Social Media Marketing, etc. SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization meaning any type of optimization that helps a website page to rank higher in the Google SERP is termed as SEO. Google is the most used search engine in the world with a customer base of almost 70-80% of search results are of Google. This enables Google Search page to be the primary target for the business or SEO Company to get their website page ranked.

Google provides the customer with the most relevant result that they want from Google. This result that Google provides is based on the Algorithm designed by Google to rank a different website based on the different factor. Google keeps changing these algorithms to keep the result accurate for the user. For the year 2019, Google released an update on the core algorithm which affected a lot of websites many websites ranked higher than before some dropped. In this article, we will list some important points that will always the propriety for Google.
Mobile First
A mobile device is slowly taking over the internet industry as the Smartphone are becoming more powerful and compact. A website is compatible with many devices be it a desktop computer, tablet or mobile Phone of different screen size, this is termed as responsive websites but there is a technology that provides even better quality design for the mobile website and it is called AMP which stands for Accelerated Mobile Page.
Website Page Speed
Page loading speed is very important when it comes to ranking factor as the website that is heavy and takes a lot of load for the service is considered to be bad for SEO. There is a popular term that states the JavaScript is bad for SEO which is true but is also essential to add design element in a website. Therefore, a website should always keep a balance on both the factor page speed and website design.
Content Marketing
“Content is the King”, it is the most important part of a website. We provide our website visitors with adequate information that he needs using the content that we display. No matter how attractive and world-class website design you have but if you do not have the right information for your visitors then you cannot rank high in the Google Searches.
Voice Search
Voice Search is growing rapidly and is soon become a major part of the search result. Instead of righting our query in the Google searches we can simply speak what we want and get the result which is very simple and comfortable. Comfort is a major component of modern society as everyone wants a comfortable life that also includes everyday things and Google Searches.