The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has hit the country hard. The disaster is hurting all the sections of the country equally. Be it the labor of manufacturing company or CEO of the same. Both are following the Government guidelines to remain in-house.

Many of us have lost a lot during this tough time and we all are praying and fighting together to come out of this epidemic as soon as possible. Now we are staying at home. We can either wait for the lockdown to end or do something worthy.
Whom this advice meant for
Anyone related to Website and Digital Marketing.
We have great internet connectivity in Indian now. As per Akamai, Indians are enjoying average 6.5 Mbit/s internet speed and that is only we need to work from home apart from a laptop or desktop.
So let’s see what we can do and how we can make this time more productive than ever.
Call it an opportunity
We certainly will have a tough time ahead because of the current lockdown but only thinking a lot about it and worrying will get us nowhere. Sorry, we have no other choice but to go on. Even after so much bad news, we call it an opportunity because we recommend focusing on the positive side.
During normal working days, we are pack with schedules and daily pending jobs. We either are in office mode or on holiday mode.
The lockdown time is unique. At this time, we certainly can not go into holiday mode but we have a chance of going into office mode without pending work and that the most important thing we want to highlight. “You can put 100% of your focus and efforts into what you do”.
What to do?
The question still remains, what to do in this lock down period?
Everyone has different roles and opportunities in their work so we can not answer specifically to this question. But we can classify things here and you can choose what fits you. Let’s see a few answers.
Redesign your company website
If you are a business owner or even a website designing company, you have the opportunity to redesign the website with new trending layouts and updated information. You can also go through all the pages and correct obsolete or incorrect information.
Add loads of content/blogs
You can refresh your website content pages or add a new blog post in your blog section. If you don’t have a blog you can get a new blog added into your website. Having a blog section into your website not only adds value to your brand but also boosts website search engine ranking. We have seen many clients getting new business leads from blog posts too.
Work on SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an organic process of getting your website at the top of the search engine ranking. If you got a business website, you can do link building and other SEO processes to get it in a better position. The SEO process does not require too many skills. The web is full of online videos and tutorials on how to start SEO.
List website in free directories
There are lots of business directories that offer a free listing for your websites. Business directories are good source for Google Local Business promotion and it could get you new business leads too. Many directory companies must have been working with limited staff during the lockdown. So review and approval may take some time but they will certainly do it once they are back.
Polish social media profiles
If you own a brand and yet not worked on the social media part, this is a good time to start. Create a path to reach the audience through social media, the biggest platform of today’s digital world.
If you already have brand social media accounts, you may publish new posts and in fact, schedule posts for next month too with schedule options like Facebook allow. You can double-check with the profile and add or edit information to make it more relevant and correct.
Software testing
One of our sister concern working on ERP software has been hit hard by the Coronavirus lockdown. Due to all manufacturing shut down, the client end deployments or services related calls are dried out. Our teams frequently interact with each other on a different project and we came to know that they have put all their staff including developers into testing mode.
Testing software could really make software applications better and could get the best out of this unusual time.
Make new Youtube videos
The lockdown has been a new opportunity for many Youtubers. No worry if you are not Youtuber. You can create an official channel for your company, if not already done and add new videos.
Develop your dream app
If you are an App developer then you must have an idea, you always wanted to work on. This is the best time to work on the app and get the best of this time.
We can help
We are a website designing and digital marketing company. We are working from home in this lockdown. You can hire us for website development and online marketing.