With Digital India taking shape, small businesses are taking the online route to, selling their products and services. The e-commerce platform offers many uses to the small time retail businesses. The plain advantage of going online is the widened reach of the business. Selling on a global platform is easier when a business goes online. The finance required for an online business is optimal when compared to budget involved in opening a non-local branch in a different city or state. The internet market is an untapped source, in India, which can be harnessed to reach the national and global audience within seconds.
A local business in a true sense:
Establishing a local business in India is an encouraging prospect in the current scenario because the cost involved in tapping the internet user market is very less when compared to the conventional methods. Selling products or services online offers good ROI, once the cost of establishing a website is covered. The primary aspect to focus on is getting user friendly website designed by a reputed website designing company. Once a website has been designed, a business can build its brand name and recognition via effective online marketing strategies, like SEO, SMO, Email Marketing, Paid Campaign and many more. To tap the chunk of mobile internet users, creating a mobile app is the best method to begin. Mobile apps attract users greatly because the retail discounts and offers are available instantly on the go and you can push offers via mobile application any time. Also using mobile application, company can gather customer’s statics for better customer experience.
Internet trend shows a favourable proposition for the online businesses:
The Internet Trends Report for the year 2016 by the US market analyst, Meeker, observed a global decline in the internet usage but noted an acceleration in the Indian Internet user rate. With 277 million users, India beat the USA to occupy the second place in the Global Internet market. A 51.90% year over year growth in Indian internet users, was observed in the year 2014 – 15.

This is an encouraging situation for a business with an aim to go online. Such a business will be treated as a local business anywhere in India. Every business targeting the nationwide customer base should tap into the internet resources for establishing an online business.

In India, an average smartphone costs around $158, which is observed to be one among the lowest costs, when compared to the global market. The cheap prices for smartphones and data charges encourage the internet usage on smartphones. With the trends for mobile internet users for India indicating an encouraging context, creative businesses into innovative advertising will be able to clinch big opportunities. These opportunities are functional in creating new jobs, increasing business efficiency and lowering business costs. All this is possible by harnessing the bulk of internet users who utilise mobile internet on the go.
Internet advertising to create brand name and recognition:
The crucial method to establish an online business is to, exploit the internet advertising methods. The internet advertising statistics show an increasing trend for the USA. The report notes that Google and Facebook have observed a steady increase in advertising revenue each year. Google has shown the world that it rules the niche for effective online advertising. This generation of the retail chain has observed a rapid increase in branded commerce through the internet medium. Brand recognition is achieved via effective online advertising. With technology evolution paving the way for the internet to become an important medium of marketing, the online marketing methods help evolve a retail business. According to the report, the Internet is the primary channel for hoisting retail distribution.
Your time to make a mark in the new era of online retailing and business has come. A small initiative to surge forward and make your presence felt in the array of online businesses will pay good returns. This returns can be accumulated and increased over time with the steady and careful harnessing of the internet users. The Internet is the treasure of user data which can be utilised to study buying trends and hence advertise and sell accordingly.